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Story Behind

Client wanted a custom web application to manage their team events such as seminars, workshops, sports, music etc. Moreover, it should help event organizers, attendees, and authors by providing them with information about the event and participants registering in.


Team Create(Invitation )

With our platform, you can effortlessly set up teams with designated roles and permissions, ensuring that your members have the appropriate access levels and responsibilities to effectively collaborate and contribute to the project.


Team List

Create and manage a team list that includes all team members' information and roles to keep track of who is on the team.


Registeration of Event

Register for the event and handle all management tasks efficiently to ensure smooth execution.


Latest News Update

Stay informed with the latest updates in the news, providing you with timely and relevant information to keep you abreast of current events and developments.


Document Management

Efficiently handle document management tasks, ensuring seamless organization, accessibility, and security of files, facilitating streamlined workflows and collaboration within your team or organization.


Team Mailing

Effectively oversee team mailing management, ensuring timely delivery, organization, and coordination of emails to enhance communication efficiency and collaboration among team members.

Highlight Features

This software includes customizable reporting options, and user-friendly interface, making it a top choice for all organizatrion.

Team List Create
Events planen


Currently, we are adding final touches to the project. Time Will Tell will be available in App Store soon, so you could test it out for yourself. We can't wait to make the final release and hope to get a positive feedback from our client.

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